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Any two shirts £80

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How to Layer in Style

09 Nov, 2016 | Savile Row
HOW TO LOOK MORE INTERESTING – ADD A LAYER button-down-shirts Slightly bewildered by the chat about ‘layering’ your outfits? Not quite sure what it actually means? Never fear, most men are struggling! Our goal is to sort that, pass on a few fail-safe tips and give you the easiest and most stylish entry into winter. THE PRACTICAL PART
  • Each visible layer should be something you could wear on its own.
  • Layers should go from thin to thicker.
  • Scale your patterns from subtle to strongest.
  • Layering includes accessories too.
  • Start with two colors.
  • Combine collar types.
  • Standard shirt and chinos or trousers can look too 'safe'. Add something else & you’re ahead of the game.
  • Do that & even with 3 or 4 layers – you’ll still look smart if you remove a layer.
  • This can work in either direction –plain on top or vice versa.
  • A smart watch, a luxury scarf adds character and interest.
  • Try shades of your main color and then add a 2nd color for accent.
  • This showcases your layering expertise.
JUST TWO OF OUR FAVOURITE LAYERED LOOKS outerwear The Inner Layer These lay right next to the skin and can be completely hidden. Their main function is to be lightweight and breathable. We’re sure you all have a good stock undershirts so ‘enough said'. The First Layer These are usually the visual anchors to your outfit. casual-shirts-and-trousers The Middle Layer These tend to be your top layer when you’re inside – they should have some warmth & fit comfortably over a shirt. knitwear-and-suit-jackets The Outer Layer This is your outdoor top layer – pea coats, rain coats, over coats. They should be long enough to cover all the layers beneath them. formal-outwear-coats Accent Layers Those pieces that add a final flourish to layering. scarf-tie-and-pocket-square JUST FOLLOW THESE FEW TIPS AND YOU’LL BE PERFECTLY PITCHED AND HAVE HEDGED YOUR BETS AGAINST OUR UNRELIABLE BRITISH WEATHER! *Not all of these items are now in stock*
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